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Help Meghan raise money

For participating in DBA Diamond Dash

My Story…

Our daughter Monroe was diagnosed at 6 weeks old with a rare bone marrow failure disorder called Diamond Blackfan Anemia.  We  have had many terrifying days and nights spent at the Alberta Children’s Hospital, countless blood draws and IV pokes, MRI’s, and bone marrow biopsies.  Monroe requires blood transfusions every 3-4 weeks to survive as she doesn’t produce any red blood cells. Over the past year, she has also required nightly IVs we insert at home to administer medications that are essential for people who are chronically transfused.  The medication and blood transfusions keep Monroe alive but also come with many side effects like bone pain, nausea, abdominal pain and needle phobia.  Despite all the adversity Monroe has had to experience she is full of energy, joy and determination!


There is currently no cure for DBA and it is considered to be one of the rarest of rare diseases (5-7 per 1,000,000 live births a year) which means there is no funding from the government to help find a cure and better treatment options.  The only money raised for research is through families who are personally dealing with DBA.


I recently became part of the DBA Canadian Board and Eric and I are organizing the 1st annual DBA 5km Dash.  As parents of a child with a chronic medical condition, one of the few positive ways to stay hopeful is through raising funds for research.  Money raised through the race goes directly to research for finding a cure and better treatment options.  


All donations over $25 will receive a tax receipt. 

The Horne Family 

1st annual DBA DASH

Sunday, August 28th

Start time: 3pm 

Park at the Weaselhead parking lot at 66 street and 37 ave

Donate to help Meghan raise money for DBA Diamond Dash’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 12 Sarah Maurer Good Luck with the race $200.00
Apr 10 Bobbi and Chris Purcell $250.00