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Help Wendy raise money

For participating in sMILES for Amanda

My Story…

I am entering this amazing fundraiser quite late because May has been a wild month. However, I couldn't NOT try to raise a least a little bit of money for hospice care at the Ottawa Mission. I am committing to run a marathon a week for the next 3 weeks, with the hope of raising $500 per marathon. Would you generously help me make this goal? (It will be 42.2 km (or more) over each week ... my knees can't handle a full marathon at once)

Donate to help Wendy raise money for sMILES for Amanda’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 30 Andrea Pollock Go Wendy ! $108.31
May 30 Anonymous $108.31
May 29 Lee Ann Martin and Ed Wiens Run, Wendy, Run!! $108.31
May 28 Ralf and Evelyn Cheering you on! Undisclosed amount
May 28 Anonymous Thanks for doing this to support the Mission. $54.63
May 28 Mark and Tracy Peterkins Go Wendy Go!! $108.31
May 27 Lauren O'Brien Great cause Wendy! $108.31
May 27 Treena Greene Undisclosed amount
May 27 Jenny & Gary God bless you for doing this, Wendy. Undisclosed amount
May 27 Anonymous Wow! 3 marathons in 3 weeks for a great cause. Hope all goes well. $150.00