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Help Wendy raise money

For participating in sMILES for Amanda

My Story…

I am entering this amazing fundraiser quite late because May has been a wild month. However, I couldn't NOT try to raise a least a little bit of money for hospice care at the Ottawa Mission. I am committing to run a marathon a week for the next 3 weeks, with the hope of raising $500 per marathon. Would you generously help me make this goal? (It will be 42.2 km (or more) over each week ... my knees can't handle a full marathon at once)

Donate to help Wendy raise money for sMILES for Amanda’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 27 Anonymous Thank you so much for doing this Wendy! It is such an important cause. $54.63
May 26 Brenda Brennan Good luck Wendy! It’s a great cause. $108.31
May 26 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 26 Anonymous $108.31