Ride Starts
For the safety of participants and for a better ride experience, the Tour d'Apple has implemented a rolling start from 7am - 7:30am. You can start your ride anytime within the 30 minute start window.
2022 Routes
We expect to continue all four normal TDA routes (25, 45, 64, and 100 miles) with no changes from 2021. As in the recent past, Oleta Road will NOT be on any Tour routes. However, please re-check the website for your route sheet shortly before Labor Day for any last-minute changes which may occur.
Important for all cyclists
** use the following - only slight changes **
100-mile cyclists should start no later than 7:30 AM in order to complete the Honeycrisp 100 – a very challenging route – by 4:00 PM.
The 100-mile route (Yellow arrows) may again include the beautiful 270-degree mountain views on Orchard Cirle at approximately Mile 87.
Rest stops will open and close as follows:
Rest Stop – OPENS – CLOSES
1 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM
2 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM
3 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
4 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
5 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Note: Rest Stops 1&2 are the same location.
Post-Ride Lunch
The Tour’s post-ride lunch (stay tuned - details coming soon!) begins at 11:00 AM and ends at 3:30 PM. IMPORTANT: Your ride number will include a meal ticket. The option to purchase an extra lunch for a friend or family member is available during registration or can be purchased in the ride Store, for $10. Email tourd’apple@gmail.com to request a gluten-free or vegetarian option.
- CLICK HERE for course maps and cue sheets -
Whether you’re a novice or a serious cyclist, there’s a ride that’s right for you. Please note that the Tour will be unassisted after 4pm.
Presenting Sponsor
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Rest Stop Sponsors
Friends of the Tour