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Refugee & Immigrant Transitions| The Pōpolo Project| JCYC

Raise money for Refugee & Immigrant Transitions| The Pōpolo Project| JCYC

JCYC's 2022 SF Aloha Run for Peace is focused on bringing our communities together to stand in solidarity against war, hate, and racism.We need your support to help us raise funds for this year's three beneficiaries who are celebrating peace and addressing critical equity and social justice issues:


1. Refugee & Immigrant Transitions = Local Bay Area nonprofit that welcomes people who have sought refuge. They provide Education, Family Engagement, and Community Leadership programs, and annually serve 1,500-2,000 program participants who have come from 50 countries. Check them out here or @r.i.transitions. 


2. The Pōpolo Project = Hawai'i-based nonprofit that redefines what it means to be Black in Hawai‘i and in the world through cultivating radical reconnection to themselves, their community, their ancestors, and the land, changing what we commonly think of as Local and highlighting the vivid, complex diversity of Blackness. Check them out here or @popoloproject. 


3. JCYC Scholarship Programs = Provide college scholarship funding to JCYC's outstanding middle and high school youth participants who reside in low-income households and will be the first generation from their family to attend college. Check them out here or @jcycsf.



Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Aug 30 Nicholas Riley $54.10
Aug 30 Scott & Sandy Good Luck on the run! Thank you for all you and JCYC do in the Community! Undisclosed amount
Aug 30 Justin G No no $20.00
Aug 30 Sonia Wong Undisclosed amount
Aug 29 Delia Alambat , Naty Bali Happy for you Hugo! From Auntie Delia and Mama Bali! $54.10
Aug 29 Baris Electric For Equality, Peace and Freedom! Go, Hugo! $107.35
Aug 29 Dennis Page $54.10
Aug 29 Joan Wickstrom We're running with ya! Undisclosed amount
Aug 28 Brian Woon Good luck Logan and Riley! $107.35
Aug 28 Jamie $22.15