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Help us raise money

For participating in Move for Clubfoot

Our story…

Finley was born November 19, 2021 with two little clubfeet. The clubfeet weren't a surprise as one of our doctors noticed the clubfeet at his 18-week ultrasound. While we knew what to expect for treatment, we were still overwhelmed by the process and all the appointments. In January 2022, Finley's orthopaedic surgeon at the IWK Health Centre started the Ponseti Method-- the gold standard of care to treat clubfeet. Finley started progressive casting to turn his feet and had a total of 8 casts over 10 weeks. In March 2022, Finley had a tenotomy to release his Achilles Tendon. Next, Finley started wearing his super-cool, snowboard-style Boots and Bars braces. He wears the braces for 23 hours/day for 12 weeks and then 12 hours/day until he's 4 years old. We're now frequent flyers at the IWK Orthopaedics clinic and Finley has grown accustomed to his special boots. 

We have felt very lucky and fortunate throughout this treatment: our care team at the IWK are AMAZING and we haven't had any complications. 

That being said, weekly appointments with a newborn weren't easy. Adjusting to a new set of casts weekly wasn't easy. Finley had to adjust to his feet in a new position every week. We hated seeing him so uncomfortable and snuggled lots and lots throughout the 10 weeks of casting. 

We are also lucky to live in the same city as a Children's Hospital. Families travel from all over Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and PEI to be treated at the IWK. It can't be easy to travel to Halifax every week and the stress on some families is huge. 

In Canada, 395 babies are born each year with Clubfoot and 1850 children are in the treatment or maintenance phases. Without early access to the right treatment, kids with clubfeet will struggle to walk, move, and play. 

We are running, walking, and fundraising to support families in Canada that have children with clubfeet. Hilary and Ryan's goal is to each run 50km in June (including some stroller runs with Finley), and Finley's goal is to ride 100km in his stroller!

We hope you will join Finley's Clubfoot Crew-- please consider:

1. Joining Finley's Clubfoot Crew as a team member: Set your own personal walk or run challenge for June and keep us updated on your progress. 

2. Donate to Finley's Clubfoot Crew

3. Share the link with friends and family who may want to join or support our team

Help us raise money for Canadian Clubfoot Support Society

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 30 Finley’s clubfoot crew $54.63
May 29 Annie Horricks Love you guys xoxo $27.80
May 29 Marissa & Sean $100.00
May 29 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 29 Nicole Proudfoot $54.63
May 29 Aunt Anne $108.31
May 29 Meghan Edwards Undisclosed amount
May 16 Ryan Horricks $54.55
May 16 Hilary Caldwell Undisclosed amount