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Help Beverly raise money

For participating in Move for Medicine - USA

My Story…

My goal for the Move for Medicine event will be to raise $1000 for making it 100 miles during June. I will be moving with a combination of walking, hiking, and cycling. This $1000 will stock about 1/6th of the pharmacy depot for a month for Bethesda. If 5 more people will join my team, each raising $1000 (or 10 people can raise $500 each), we will be able to cover the cost of medicine for one month. That would be super awesome!

Donate to help Beverly raise money for Move for Medicine - USA’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 30 Joe and Leigh Bogar Love you Bev!!! So proud of you. $54.10
Jun 20 Kelly Proud of you, Bev!! Thanks for your example of helping others and making the world a better place. $267.10
Jun 07 Anonymous $373.60
Jun 04 Wayne $267.10