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Help Jaime raise money

For participating in 2022 Great Trek

My Story…

My son Max was born May 12 2020 and at an early age he showed signs of low tone and delayed growth in his motor skills and development. He has spent countless hours at BC Children's Hospital undergoing tests and scans. Just after his 1st birthday, Max was diagnosed with Cortical Visual Impairment and epilepsy, in short, Max is legally blind. And then just before his second birthday Max was diagnosed with a hearing disability and now has the help of his hearing aids.  Max is now in the process of undergoing more extensive Genetic testing with the Rare Disease department at BC Children's in hopes of finding a cause to his disabilities.  My team and I are running a 5KM charity race at UBC on October 22 2022 in support of him and the thousands of other kids that need the support from BC Children's hospital.  

Donate to help Jaime raise money for 2022 Great Trek’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 15 Amy Gunderson 💖 $27.60
Sep 15 Lisa Martin $27.60
Sep 15 Rosborough & Company $1,069.14
Sep 15 Lisa Matechuk $54.31
Sep 15 Carol $54.31
Sep 15 MICHELLE BURNS $54.31
Sep 15 Carly Wright $54.31
Sep 15 S&Ascraftyfun sherilyn &Andrew ❤️ $75.00
Sep 15 Kendra $54.31
Sep 15 Geoff banning $81.02