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Help Maia raise money

For participating in CoffeeRun for Sickle Cell Awareness

My Story…

Growing up, living with Sickle Cell directly impacted my brother and I. It was a part of our lives that created a shared experience that many people are not confronted with. As I learned more about the condition and its impact on community of colors, I feel compelled to raise awareness of the condition and foster community for people who are impacted. I am excited this year to run and raise funds as a part of the CoffeeRun SCD 2022 Race! 

Please consider making a donation today, no amount is too small or too big. All fundraising dollars will go directly to Sick Cells, a national sickle cell organization co-founded by Marcus and Ashley Valentine. 

Donate to help Maia raise money for CoffeeRun for Sickle Cell Awareness’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 13 Geoffrey Roth Thank you for devoting so much of your time to this. I donate in the name Of my uncle Bob Steen. $54.10
Sep 11 Sabrina Fonseca Undisclosed amount
Sep 11 Anonymous Good job, we’re so proud of you Maia!!! $250.00
Sep 10 Mwia Mutua Wonderful work Maia!! $100.00
Sep 10 Tanya Thank you for advocating (for yourself and others), Maia! Undisclosed amount
Sep 10 Anonymous $58.36
Sep 10 Howard Hays $54.10
Sep 10 Sara Hong Thanks for running and raising awareness and funds for an important cause. Run swiftly and with joy! $107.35
Sep 09 Aeris Management Group $50.00
Sep 09 Eduardo Ortiz $107.35