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Young Women LEAD

Raise money for Young Women LEAD


14 years. 57 live events. 42,500 girls. And growing.

Young Women LEAD is driving a national movement to transform girls' lives through empowerment & leadership

Young Women LEAD is the nation’s leading trusted provider of life-changing and experiential leadership events for high school young women that take place on the campus of colleges and university partners as well as online. 

With more than 40,000 girls impacted through 52 events and registrations filling up often within 24 hours, Young Women LEAD is an established nonprofit with a proven track record of success in partnering with extraordinary women role models.

Our Vision is to create generations of confident girls. Our presenters and trusted brands provide experiences that engage young women to be confident and strong leaders. With the support of individuals like you, select brands and corporate impact partners, Young Women LEAD events are provided free to all young women. Whether it’s our live events or interactive, evidence-based curriculum, we instill self-confidence and equip high school girls with workforce tools to pursue their dreams.

Opportunities for ALL

Young Women LEAD events are open to all girls in grades 9-12 regardless of where they live, their family incomes, or their GPAs. Just as we engage with all girls, we offer opportunities for everyone to get involved and support our mission. 

Whether you prefer to roll up your sleeves and do the heavy lifting, serve as a social media champion, give financially, or engage your company in sponsorships, we have a spot for you.

We recognize the role each person plays to shepherd girls throughout their education and into their careers. 

We welcome your involvement in creating opportunities for girls to soar.


Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Feb 13 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Feb 12 Anonymous $6.27
Feb 10 Priti Kate $5.00
Jan 30 Alyssa Strickland $27.68
Jan 22 Ray B $25.54
Jan 15 Ray B 2wks down, 16 more to geaux! $22.00
Dec 31 Ray B let's geaux! $26.20
Dec 12 Cathy McLeod Undisclosed amount
Nov 10 Jocelyn Steinmetz Undisclosed amount
Oct 31 Loreen Studley As a Founding 50 member of SOAR, I was pleased to see YWL on the donation list for the Flying Pig Marathon! Undisclosed amount