Our story…
Join TeamKAA
presented by The Basement Doctor
Welcome and Special Thanks to TeamKAA's presenting sponsor-
The Basement Doctor
What is PigAbilities? A one mile walk, run, or roll at your own pace across the official Flying Pig Finish Swine.
When: Saturday, May 6th at noon.
Start: near Paycor Stadium Finish Swine: Mehring Way near Smale Park (see map at the bottom of this page).
Goal: To have fun and raise funds and awareness for the Ken Anderson Alliance. Invite friends and family to join you in the event or ask them to support you by donating to KAA in your honor. Raising funds is optional – however, we encourage you to raise funds if you can. We will award appreciation prizes to the top fundraisers at our awesome afterparty.
To register, simply click the button on the right that says "Join Team" and follow the prompts for PigAbilities. The cost to register is $15 per person (+ a service fee) until April 18th, then it goes up to $20 (+ a service fee). All are welcome to join our team - participants and their families, staff, volunteers, friends old and new to KAA. If you have any problems, please contact Theresa at theresa.ciampone@kenandersonalliance.org or call or text (513)607-1734.
As part of TeamKAA presented by The Basement Doctor, you'll receive a TeamKAA t-shirt to wear on race day. As a registered Flying Pig participant you will receive a premium bag, finisher medal and commemorative event t-shirt and 3 admission tickets to the Cincinnati Zoo - if you register early enough). Guide codes are available for helpers on the course, but those that use guide codes will not receive participant premiums mentioned. Please email theresa.ciampone@kenandersonalliance.org to receive a promo code to register as a guide. We plan to have many people around to help.
PACKET PICK-UP at KAA Silverton Offices - 6940 Plainfield Road.
Thursday, May 4th; 9am-7pm or Friday, May 5th 9am-4pm. If you can't make either of those, you can get your shirt and goodies the morning of the event at our meeting booth.
To raise additional funds, you can use social media or just and ask supporters to donate online. You can use the button to the right to invite others to join our team or donate to you. It's easy, after you register, your name will be listed at the bottom of this page, so they just choose you from the list and give securely online. In addition, you can accept checks – made out to Ken Anderson Alliance or people can give via Venmo - @GiveKAA (have your donor write your name and TeamKAA in the notes – ex. Smith – TeamKAA)
Do you know a person or business who might like to sponsor our team with a larger donation in exchange for some recognition on our team shirt and social media? That's great - have them contact Theresa at the information above.
You can also help by purchasing Piggest Raffle tickets or asking others to buy them. Purchase a Piggest Raffle Entry for $5 each on behalf of the Ken Anderson Alliance. For each Piggest ticket purchased, you have a chance to win on Flying Pig Marathon Weekend and the charity you select -KAA- receives 100% of your donation!
On behalf of all of us at KAA, we look forward to sharing this experience with you. It's going to be a whole hog of fun!
Team members
Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.
Ken and Cristy Anderson
Raised: $2,344.46
Max Champion
Raised: $2,265.05
Team Just Brew Harrison
Raised: $1,549.07
Maddy Scott
Raised: $1,322.96
Joe Poynter
Raised: $1,175.06
Ken Rinehart
Raised: $1,071.12
T's Troopers - Theresa Ciampone
Raised: $1,006.42
Team captain
Anderson Allstars
Raised: $912.43
SGTDel's Army
Raised: $515.88
Reagan Sears
Raised: $486.48
Leslie Odioso for TeamKAA
Raised: $471.85
Erin McNamara
Raised: $407.77
o2 Urban Farms
Raised: $371.97
Julie Mills for TeamKAA
Raised: $261.54
Mary Green for Team KAA
Raised: $244.66
Just Brew Silverton
Raised: $191.65
The Potts Powerhouse
Raised: $162.37
Nathan Ratliff
Raised: $155.34
Jenna Lombardo
Raised: $108.86
Chris Collier
Raised: $107.94
Katy Collier
Raised: $107.94
Libby Collier
Raised: $107.94
Tiffany Holmes
Raised: $83.04
Colin Spritzky
Raised: $54.43
Joe Leanza
Raised: $54.43
Karri Haffner
Raised: $54.43
Andy Hurst
Raised: $54.43
Rebecca Freeman
Raised: $54.43
Ashley Schwartz
Raised: $27.68
Emily King
Raised: $27.68
KAA Team Bialon
Raised: $27.68
Pam's Heroes
Raised: $27.68
Renee Riga
Raised: $27.68
Sue Antczak
Raised: $27.68
Catherine Riga
Raised: $11.62
Adam Haywood
Raised: $0.00
Alex Rinehart
Raised: $0.00
Andy Hurst
Raised: $0.00
Ann Poynter
Raised: $0.00
Annamarie Rinehart
Raised: $0.00
Anne Clark
Raised: $0.00
Barb Cassidy
Raised: $0.00
Barb Rinehart
Raised: $0.00
Barry Frink
Raised: $0.00
Ben Tonnis
Raised: $0.00
Beth Hoekzema
Raised: $0.00
Breanna Brunsman
Raised: $0.00
Raised: $0.00
Brittany for KAA
Raised: $0.00
Carissa Buchanan
Raised: $0.00
Cate Fopma
Raised: $0.00
Daniel J Brunsman
Raised: $0.00
David Kahle
Raised: $0.00
Diane Buchanan
Raised: $0.00
Douglas Riga
Raised: $0.00
Emily Hayes
Raised: $0.00
Gary Greer
Raised: $0.00
Gary Hayes
Raised: $0.00
Heather Spritzky
Raised: $0.00
Holly Singleton
Raised: $0.00
Hudson Hiltz
Raised: $0.00
Isabel Ciampone
Raised: $0.00
Jacob Brunsman
Raised: $0.00
James Roop
Raised: $0.00
JoAnn Tonnis
Raised: $0.00
Joe Kanney
Raised: $0.00
John Spritzky
Raised: $0.00
Jordan Antczak
Raised: $0.00
Juli Kanney
Raised: $0.00
Kameren Grant
Raised: $0.00
Kara Spritzky
Raised: $0.00
Katherine Cassedy
Raised: $0.00
Katie Black-Walker
Raised: $0.00
Krista's Just Brew Silverton Team
Raised: $0.00
Kylie Reed
Raised: $0.00
Raised: $0.00
Lowery Grant
Raised: $0.00
Lydia Leverett
Raised: $0.00
Marissa Cheslock
Raised: $0.00
Mark Poynter
Raised: $0.00
Martha Udry
Raised: $0.00
Mary Horan
Raised: $0.00
Melissa Overbeck
Raised: $0.00
Michael Boiman
Raised: $0.00
Michael McNamara
Raised: $0.00
Natalie Hall
Raised: $0.00
Nicholas Brunsman
Raised: $0.00
Paige Walker
Raised: $0.00
Parker Kahle
Raised: $0.00
Peter Hiltz
Raised: $0.00
Rachel Tonnis
Raised: $0.00
Rob Overbeck
Raised: $0.00
Robert Overbeck
Raised: $0.00
Russell Clark
Raised: $0.00
Ryan Antczak
Raised: $0.00
Sally Hayes
Raised: $0.00
Sandra Taylor
Raised: $0.00
Sean McNamara
Raised: $0.00
Steve Tonnis
Raised: $0.00
Susan Kelble
Raised: $0.00
Tammy Smith
Raised: $0.00
Tori Overbeck
Raised: $0.00
Tracy Brunsman
Raised: $0.00
Vicki Holmes
Raised: $0.00
Victoria Horan
Raised: $0.00
Vince Kanney
Raised: $0.00
Will Miller
Raised: $0.00
Raised: $0.00
Recent donors
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Mar 27 | Elissa Pleshinger | $27.68 |
Mar 26 | Vicki Losey | $107.94 |
Mar 25 | Jaime Hull | $22.32 |
Mar 24 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 24 | Jan Schawe | $54.43 |
Mar 24 | Beth Hoekzema | $107.94 |
Mar 23 | Kathy Kress | $27.68 |
Mar 23 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 23 | Ken Dietz | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 22 | Anonymous | $54.43 |