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Miles for Cystic Fibrosis

Raise money for Miles for Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited, life-shortening disease that turns simply breathing into a struggle.  There is no cure.

People living with CF battle many serious symptoms, including difficulty with breathing and digesting food.

A lifelong regimen of medications, breathing treatments, nutritional supplements, and exercise improve quality of life, but for many create financial hardship.

At M4CF, we support individuals and families living with CF in a variety of ways. Our BreatheStrong Program  promotes regular exercise while our Critical Needs Initiative provides financial support to CF Families facing food insecurity.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Aug 30 Anonymous God bless ya'll, thanks for serving those in need. $10.50
Aug 29 Pop and BeBe In honor of Pop and BeBe’s little warrior! We love you Laikleigh! Undisclosed amount
Aug 29 Scot Rittenbaum Best wishes Colin $10.50
Aug 29 Mike & Theresa $105.00
Aug 29 Jill Moore $10.50
Aug 29 Albert Thomson $10.50
Aug 29 Leo $10.50
Aug 29 Vance Enterprises May we change the world through the idea of we give so that others may live.. $52.50
Aug 29 Teressa Pattillo $52.50