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BC Cancer Foundation

Raise money for BC Cancer Foundation

The BC Cancer Foundation is the fundraising partner of BC Cancer. Together, with our community of donors and fundraising champions, we are changing the outcome for people affected by cancer in British Columbia and beyond by connecting personalized care, innovative research and opportunities to give and give back. Every dollar we raise stays right here at BC Cancer to advance research, enhance care and break down cancer to benefit the people of BC.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 06 Adam h hou $27.60
May 06 Anonymous great work Burnsy! Undisclosed amount
May 06 Mike Browne Run your buns off! $27.60
May 06 Enia Good luck, such a great cause! Xx $27.60
May 06 Bushe72 Go on Burnsey you good thing.... $27.60
May 06 Anonymous Way to go Jenna. What a great thing you are doing :) $107.72
May 06 Jeff Mew Keep slay’n. $27.60
May 06 For Sandi, Judi, Pam Thank you Jori for representing so many people who have struggled with cancer, and how important research is for the future. $107.72
May 06 Taj Good luck Laura, you’re gonna do great! Undisclosed amount
May 05 Jeanne $27.60