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Help adrian raise money

For participating in 2023 BMO Vancouver Marathon

My Story…

Here, at Burnaby Blacktop we PAVE roads, but this time we are taking the opportunity to RUN them!

I am doing it to challenge myself, but also to provide some financial comfort to children in Canuck's Hospice.

Burnaby Blacktop will match raised funds and will be sending positive vibes to all little angels during the run!

We thank you in advance for all your contributions!

Donate to help adrian raise money for 2023 BMO Vancouver Marathon’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 04 Bram and Alexis Alblas Thank you for supporting a great agency! 💖 $54.31
May 04 4-Way Traffic Control Ltd Undisclosed amount
Feb 22 The Wolfe family 💗 $214.54
Dec 23 adrian alblas Undisclosed amount