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Help Joanna raise money

For participating in 2023 BMO Vancouver Marathon

My Story…


My mom was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2018, and the BC Cancer Foundation & its efforts continue to contribute to why I get to have her in my life each and every day. From medication delivery to the research they've poured into developing her treatment, I'm so grateful to the organization & its team for working hard each day to ensure cancer is not an immediate death sentence for all any longer.

Over the years, so many lives close to our family have been affected by cancer. And, quite honestly, it never gets easier.

Over the years, I've wanted to do something big to help raise funds for the foundation -- to thank them, as well as to support them in continuing their research (as I believe an advance in cancer research anywhere is a win throughout the world) and providing treatment. 

And, though I've never thought I'd run a marathon (and quite honestly, I'm not sure my body was cut out for this -- from injuries, to overwhelming doubt, and more), I figured it was the one big thing I could force myself to attempt to work towards to hopefully raise more funds!

Fun fact: Stephen's going to run his first half marathon alongside me too!!!!

I'm targeting $2000 as I say goodbye to my 20s this year, and it would mean so much to me if you'd consider helping me meet (if not exceed) this goal!  

Please know that every dollar counts, and if you're unable to give financially, if you'd pray that I make it and not let anyone down (for real, I need it...I've been v. injury prone as of late), that'd be so appreciated too! 


At the BC Cancer Foundation we believe that with your help BC CAN make a difference in the lives of all British Columbians. We know that one in two people in our province will face cancer in their lifetime and we’re igniting progress to break down cancer, piece by piece, in the labs and clinics. 

Your generous donations fund crucial advancements in cancer research and care at BC Cancer, helping save lives of British Columbians. By working with community fundraising champions like you, who believe that investments in science and innovations in care can make a significant difference for British Columbians, we are confident that BC CAN change the outcome for each person facing this disease.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 19 Jon $54.31
Mar 19 Kevin F $32.94
Mar 19 Leo Undisclosed amount