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Help us raise money

For participating in 2023 BMO Vancouver Marathon

Our story…

In January we received devastating news that completely rocked our family. Dad was diagnosed with ALS. This was the worst possible diagnosis, and our worst fear… but we are fighting back. Dad’s strength and resilience through everything has been incredible. In true John McCoach fashion, he is tackling this challenge like he did the Ironman; there is no stopping him when he has a goal in mind. He is spending his time with his family and friends and getting as much joy out of life as he can. Nothing seems more fitting that getting a team together to run for the cause.


The ALS Society of BC was founded in 1981 by ALS patients, their family members and healthcare professionals to meet the physical and emotional needs of people living with ALS and their caregivers.  The society provides support services to ALS patients and their family to improve their quality of life while living with ALS; equipment loan program, patient transportation support, support groups, psychological support, a camp for children of ALS patients, day of caring for caregivers and outreach and public awareness.   The society also supports ALS research to find the cause of and cure for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Feb 23 Rebecca Drake Let’s go team McCoach! $107.72
Feb 23 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Feb 23 Anonymous Undisclosed amount