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Help Loren raise money

For participating in Philadelphia Marathon Weekend

My Story…

My wife (Jordana Ostroff) is now back in treatment, fighting non-Hodgkin lymphoma for the 6th time!

In 2007, she received outpatient chemotherapy treatment. In 2011, she received inpatient chemotherapy along with an autologous stem cell transplant and radiation. We were told we’d never have children naturally so we did one round of IVF before treatment which yielded 3 fertilized embryos. Miraculously, Jordana began ovulating a year later and we welcomed 2 beautiful healthy daughters in 2013 and 2016 while enjoying remission. We eventually decided to donate the embryos to science.

In 2019, Jordana began to act different and behaved uncharacteristically. An MRI soon showed a recurrence of the cancer, this time in her brain. She underwent oral chemotherapy which did not prove to be successful so she received inpatient chemotherapy throughout all of 2020. After a short remission, recurrence was found again in her brain and she underwent CarT therapy in 2021. Doctors were confident they rid her of the cancer but it relapsed in 2022 at which time she underwent excruciating inpatient chemotherapy. At the time, we were told that the chemotherapy regimen she was receiving was her final option. She was back in remission by the summer of 2022, after which she went on oral maintenance chemotherapy. Almost a full year later, the cancer presented again in her brain, this time on the optic chiasm and optic tract. With fear she could lose her vision, we acted quickly and put her into treatment. Miraculously, cancer research had already produced more options for her within the past year. She has been receiving inpatient chemotherapy while also visiting various ophthalmology specialists to help preserve her vision during this arduous treatment regimen.

The AACR has proven to be a life saver for us as it ensures vital research is moving as quickly and efficiently as possible to create more battle plans. We remain optimistic that we will see a cure for cancer in our lifetime. Even without a cure, the medical advancements have proved to prolong our lives in ways that were unimaginable years ago. I am privileged to represent the AACR as I once again run the Philly Half Marathon.

Donate to help Loren raise money for Philadelphia Marathon Weekend’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 08 KB & Liam $52.38
Mar 12 Noah Civan I’m honor of my birthday $25.00
Mar 12 Avi Yanoff I’m honor of my birthday $25.00
Mar 12 Adel Kriger I’m honor of my birthday $25.00
Nov 19 Loren Ostroff $100.00