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Help Brandi raise money

For participating in Philadelphia Marathon Weekend

My Story…

At 25 I could not have imagined getting diagnosed with cancer. I never felt weaker, sicker, and more defeated than before starting treatment. Chemotherapy brought on its own beasts of side effects, but nothing compares to the paralyzing pain I endured for 2+ years while trying to seek a diagnosis. During that time I went from doctor to doctor (about 10 total) and no one could figure out the source of my pain. My symptoms included painful burning and itching coming from under my skin all over my body, lots of hives, fatigue, weight loss, hair loss, sweats, high inflammatory markers, and anemia. 

My allergist referred me to a hematologist at Penn to try to sort out the anemia and see if that might alleviate some symptoms. At that appointment, my hematologist (now oncologist) told me that this was likely Hodgkin’s lymphoma and sent me to be biopsied and scanned the following weeks. Finally, in December of 2022 I had answers and started my healing journey. 

I feel so strongly that everyone should be empowered to advocate for their health. Truthfully, I’m not sure exactly what to say or how to best help others in a similar situation to what I was in. But, my hope is that sharing even a small piece of my story can somehow encourage anyone who might resonate to continue seeking a diagnosis. I think as women especially, we are used to being told that chronic pain and discomfort are just part of life. This sentiment prevents so many women from getting help. I just accepted when time and time again a doctor told me that they couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. I am still processing the fact that the whole time it was cancer. Unfortunately, my story is not unique, and over the past few months I have spent so much time listening to the stories of other women that match mine almost exactly.

My first round of chemotherapy was January 20, 2023 and I completed my 12th round on June 30, 2023. As if all of this wasn’t enough hell, I am challenging myself to run (and probably walk a little) 13.1 miles this November (5 months after finishing treatment)! Having cancer was a complete loss of control of my body and I’m just excited to get to know and love this new, healed version of myself. This would NEVER be possible without incredible ongoing research funded by people like you! Donations to the American Association for Cancer Research and other organizations like it are the reason why I not only get to live, but I also get to hope for a full recovery. I am so grateful that I get the opportunity to get back to living life.

Donate to help Brandi raise money for Philadelphia Marathon Weekend’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 16 Tanner & Agnes So glad to see you happy and healthy and training hard for your run! Undisclosed amount
Oct 14 Hazel Hunt So sorry for the pain, and so inspired by your journey. Wishing you continued triumph! Undisclosed amount
Oct 12 Ellie So excited for you to run this and so happy you shared with us! You've got this! $52.38
Oct 12 Karima Zedan Brandi, thank you for sharing your story and being so candid. We all need to be advocates for our own health! You're my hero. $104.75
Oct 09 Janet & Mason Lewis $191.69
Oct 06 Marianne Schafer Brandi - what a great fight for your cause! You should be proud! $52.38
Oct 04 Susan Nathanson (Emily's K's grandma) You are an inspiration. $52.38
Oct 01 Brenda Lowenberg Wishing you a great race! From Aunt Amy’s friend Undisclosed amount
Oct 01 Lindsay Muir Go Brandi!!!! $78.56
Oct 01 Jodi Stern Undisclosed amount