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Help Jason raise money

For participating in Philadelphia Marathon Weekend

My Story…

My G-Pa

The relationship between grandparents and grandkids is unique and special. For me there was an extra layer to my relationship with my grandfather…my father passed away when I was only 5 years old and instantly my grandfather became the main father figure and male role model in my life. As I got older there were more tough times for my family, which led to me living with my grandparents for most of high school. It wasn’t easy. It wasn’t a situation that any kid would want to be in, but I can’t understate how lucky I was to have my grandfather. He was always everything I needed him to be, exactly when I needed him. We developed a very special relationship throughout my life.

His Cancer Story

At the end of February 2022 my grandfather began to feel sick pretty regularly, which was odd. It was hard to keep him down for too long. He was a classic, old-school tough guy. My family urged him to go see a doctor and get some tests done. Eventually we got through to him and convinced him. On March 10th my family and I got news that would shake our family forever…stage 4 lung cancer. The next month was difficult for me, but even more difficult for him. He fought as hard as he could. Just over a month after his diagnosis he passed away, on April 12th.

My Goal

I will be running the Philadelphia Marathon, sponsored by the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), in an attempt to raise money for research, treatment, and cures for cancer. Please consider donating to my page to be a part of helping and honoring those who have dealt with cancer.

Donate to help Jason raise money for Philadelphia Marathon Weekend’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 13 Anne W For the legend that is Pop! $26.19
Jul 27 Jason Ewing In honor of the greatest man I’ve ever known. I miss you G-Pa! $52.38