My Story…
I am running again this year because my brother Luke has been diagnosed with ALS. He is doing well. He lives his life as if dealing with ALS on both a personal and a community level were simply his current employment. And Luke was always the hardest worker on the team or in the company -- usually unsung but always full on. So I am trying to put in a little effort as well. And I hope you will support me to the extent that you can. Thanks. John
The photo is of Luke and me at the Johnstown ALS Walk in July. He is wearing a neck brace that he made for himself out of pvc pipe and some cloth for a headband. The under-the-chin type of braces limited his range of motion too much for his liking. That's my brother.
The ALS Association Western Pennsylvania Chapter and Team Challenge ALS are running in honor of those currently living with ALS and in remembrance of those we have lost to the disease. The funds raised by our team provide help and hope to those living with ALS by supporting local patient care, advocacy, and global research to find treatments and a cure for this always fatal disease.
Recent donors
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Apr 01 | Mark and Claire Dietrick | $54.10 |
Mar 31 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 31 | Ruth Dunnewold and David Salapa | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 31 | In Memory of Thatiana Brasil Gregoire | $100.00 |
Mar 31 | Mark Ruston | $54.10 |
Mar 31 | Ronda and Bill O'Donnell | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 31 | tom McConnell | $27.48 |
Mar 31 | Anonymous | $27.48 |
Mar 31 | Anonymous | $27.48 |
Mar 27 | Anonymous | $500.00 |