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Help David raise money

For participating in 2023 Sporting Life 10K

My Story

Late in 2021 and into early 2022, our family was shocked to learn of Benjamin's LCH diagnosis. With all the highs and lows of last year, one of the most powerful experiences was witnessing the love and support of our friends and families as we participated in the Sporting Life 10K as Team Benjamin the Brave. Rallying around our own superhero, we raised almost $90,000 for a group that impacted our own lives over our many SickKids hospital visits, and has helped so many other kids and families affected by childhood cancer. This year, as we continue to celebrate Ben's cancer-free diagnosis, we will once again tie on our capes and run in his honour. Dad's plan is to run the Yonge Street route this year, and push Ben the entire way! Thank you, as always, for your support and encouragement. -DB  


Help bring joy and laughter to kids affected by cancer or serious illness


A diagnosis of childhood cancer or serious illness changes life in an instant. For kids and families, their schedule suddenly revolves around medical appointments and hospital stays, with long absences from school. There is no time for simple joys like friendships, birthday parties or sport activities.


Campfire Circle is passionate about helping kids to just be kids, once again. By supporting their in-hospital, community and overnight camp programs, you will help bring joy and laughter to kids and families during their most challenging times, at no cost to them.


As part of the Campfire Circle community, you are helping to create opportunities year-round for kids to build friendships and social skills, develop self-confidence and resiliency, and improve their overall wellbeing. 


More than a thousand kids were diagnosed with cancer during the pandemic—the need is greater now more than ever. Your support ensures that Campfire Circle’s critical camp-inspired programs will reach even more kids and families across Ontario. Your gift makes life-changing experiences possible.

Thank you for helping to build a world where children thrive and families heal.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 10 Rob Coolican Wish I could be there in person to cheer on the caped crusaders! Hope you have a great time and thanks for the opp to support a great cause! $320.34
Mar 09 Pauline Undisclosed amount
Mar 08 Dave Connolly $215.26
Mar 08 Anonymous Thank the Lord for this news and congratulations! Undisclosed amount
Mar 07 Megan $215.26
Mar 07 Aaron Harlang $268.93
Mar 07 Bernard Lawrence $100.00
Mar 07 Dan Hayes You go Benjamin The Brave! $320.34
Mar 07 Dave Dunn $107.91
Mar 07 Adam Court Let’s go Dave! This is incredible. $54.24