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Alberta Children's Hospital Foundation

Raise money for Alberta Children's Hospital Foundation

The Alberta Children's Hospital Foundation inspires our community to invest in excellence in child health, research and family centred care.

As the official fundraising body for the Alberta Children's Hospital, all money raised is re-invested in the hospital and child health needs in this region.

Through the generosity of our donors we are able to provide funding for family centred child health programs, specialized life-saving equipment and advanced pediatric research and education at the hospital.



Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 26 Andy circle Grandpa My lovely granddaughter add oil! $54.31
May 26 Lily & Hong $27.60
May 26 Anonymous and Have Fun! Undisclosed amount
May 26 Oriana $16.92
May 26 FL & $27.60
May 26 Anonymous God blessed Undisclosed amount
May 26 Elim Undisclosed amount
May 25 Anonymous $27.60
May 25 Nick brucic The tortoise always wins, you got this!! Good luck $27.60
May 25 Tanya Snow Way to go Pam! $54.31