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Alzheimer Society of Calgary

Raise money for Alzheimer Society of Calgary

Thanks to the support of generous donors, Alzheimer Calgary has been supporting local families impacted by dementia for over 40 years. Alzheimer Calgary provides education, care, and support for families when they need it most. As a leader in our community, we strive to ensure people impacted by dementia can live well and we build community capacity to support them. With your help, we can work toward an inclusive and caring community where people impacted by dementia are valued and empowered. 


Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 23 Chris & Wayne Rogers $107.72
May 23 Emily Ferren This is a cause close to my heart, thanks for choosing it 🙏🏻 $27.60
May 22 AnnMarie Farewell Undisclosed amount
May 22 Elaine & Paul Hillier Thank you Nancy for running the marathon in memory of Nan Hillier. Our love and support will be running along side you on May 28. $150.00
May 18 Sophie Wright Woohoo!! Go meg go!! $107.72
May 18 Justine Proud of you once again Meggy!!!!! $22.26
May 18 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 17 Rose and Barry Foote $54.31
May 16 Frank & Shelley Power Have a wonderful walk, Nancy! It’s a wonderful cause. Hugs $25.00
May 15 Fraser Sprigings $54.31