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Help Austin raise money

For participating in Servus Calgary Marathon 2023

My Story…

This year is a little different than previous years. I’m not sure if Calgary likes me using their link and going about things differently but my running journey starts a little different than most and it’s about giving back. It’s about spreading awareness and providing a message that kindness matters. This year you will be controlling my legs. I’ll be setting a timer of 96 hours and running across Southern Alberta. I will be live streaming the run on social media platforms. The timer will start at 07:00 on April 22nd 2023. I start running when the first donation on this day is received. (but of course accepting donations beforehand as well). I stop running if there is a period greater then two hours, that we don’t receive a donation but don’t stop running if donations continue except for obvious reasons - bathroom breaks, sleep etc. 

To continue running, a donation will need to be sent through for Autism speaks Canada on this link. A Tax Receipt will be provided by The Calgary Marathon for donations over 20 dollars. The timer does not stop, I need your help, to help me reach across Alberta in 4 days. Every dollar counts, every share counts because if we reach 22 thousand people who are willing to donate their morning coffee, we have reached our goal. And the answer is yes I will still be participating in the Calgary Marathon at the end of May. 

Ps if you are wondering what the specific goal is of what I want to achieve this year, it is the last 3 previous years added all together of what you amazing people helped me raise for a variety of organizations . 

“Everyone has a heart that can be touched by something” 

“I am different not less” #letsgetit 🏃‍♂️⌛️

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 22 Anonymous Great job buddy!! $27.60
Apr 22 Mo Thank you for all that you do to support our local charities! $27.60
Apr 22 Matty Love you sedgy $54.31
Apr 22 Kelli and Lou Giddy Up! $54.31
Apr 22 TiJ & Ashley $54.31
Apr 22 Lance and Tracy Smith Pitter patter you get atter $107.72
Apr 22 Rosenkes You've got this Austin 🙌 Keep on truckin ❤️ $54.31
Apr 22 Anonymous You're the best! Thanks for doing this!! Undisclosed amount
Apr 22 Nicole Tipper Proud of you $27.60
Apr 22 Ella and Jordan Great job! Keep up the awesome work!! $54.31