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Help Leanne raise money

For participating in Servus Calgary Marathon 2023

My Story…

Running 42.2kms will be challenging, but it is no comparison for what the families who rely on the Ronald McDonald House are experiencing. 

Facing the serious illness or injury of your child is every parents worst nightmare; RMHC Alberta alleviates the tremendous emotional, financial, and physical burdens that families face during these difficult times. 

Help me support this incredible cause as I run (walk/hobble/drag) my way through the streets of Calgary on May 28th. Any amount is appreciated!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 19 The Dunn’s $107.72
Feb 16 Matt Gifford You go Leanne! $107.72
Feb 15 Rob Braund Good luck Leanne! Undisclosed amount
Dec 08 Lauren Dunn $54.31
Nov 29 Andrew Nguyen $54.31