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Help Jenel raise money

For participating in Servus Calgary Marathon 2023

My Story…

I am humbled by working for Trellis Society and the amazing lives they have impacted and provided assistance in shaping over the years. This is only possible, thanks to the amazing donors and supporters for believing and investing in the work that is achieved.  

I am running for my late aunt, who took years and years to leave an abusive husband....I wish an organization like Trellis was closer to her so she would have had the wrap around supports when she needed it.

 I am running for my friend who was an accomplished climber and professor who succumbed to an opioid overdose and is now part of the statistics.  

I am running for my colleagues, the front line staff who are meeting people at their most vulnerable state and TRULY making a difference in their lives.  For some this is the difference between life and death, others this is a meaningful connection, a sense of belonging in the community and/or culture, financial assistance, employment & education opportunities, a bed for youth whom are experiencing homelessness, and a place to play for kiddos after school and so much more....  Thank you for making Calgary and surrounding areas a better place to live....for everyone!  



Thank you! Trellis Society is thrilled to announce that with your support, we have successfully surpassed the $50,000 goal. Trellis acknowledges that this achievement has been made possible by generous donors like you, corporate partner, MEG Energy and matching partner, Bluevale Capital Group, who has matched funds totaling $25,000!  For those who have not had a chance to donate and would still like to contribute, donations will be accepted until June 23, 2023.

Funds raised support Calgary and surrounding area through a broad spectrum of programs focusing on Youth Housing and Shelter, Education, Employment, Early Childhood Development, Immigration and New Canadians, Foster Care, Residential and Treatment Facilities, Clubs and Experiential Learning, and Indigenous Initiatives.

A word from Bluevale Capital Group:

Bluevale Capital Group works with Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation (CMHC) to address the current affordable housing crisis and shortage of 3.5 million homes by 2030. We are proud to support Trellis Society, who shares our values and objectives to (a) increase the supply of affordable & sustainable housing, (b) promote local economic development and (c) improve the quality of life of Canadians.

Thank you for giving generously to Calgary Marathon in support of Trellis Society. Your contribution restores hope and possibility to those who would otherwise be without. To learn more about how your efforts make a difference, visit the Trellis Society website here.

Next year the Servus Calgary Marathon turns 60! If you are inspired to run for a cause and would like to join our team on May 26, 2024, we would love to have you. Please register with Trellis Society here.

Thank you!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 28 Anonymous Great work Bode! Undisclosed amount
May 28 John and Stacey Way to go!! Undisclosed amount
May 28 Brad, Ang, Mos & Cole Way to go Bode!!! $27.60
May 28 Linden Setchell Nice work! Undisclosed amount
May 28 Shone Thistle Wonderful human, brilliant organization!! $54.31
May 28 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 28 Lod Squad Awesome 😎 $27.60
May 28 M&M Cody/Monfette Great day for a run Undisclosed amount
May 28 Anne-Marie Syslak Undisclosed amount
May 26 Maude Parent It's so a nice cause Bode. Have a nice race!! Undisclosed amount