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Help Nancy raise money

For participating in Servus Calgary Marathon 2023

My Story…

Hey everyone! My family has always been important to me and so many childhood memories are with my grandparents. My grandmother, Marjorie Hillier, had Alzheimer's. I remember the changes and experiences as Alzheimer's progressed for her, even though I was still a child. I remember her beautiful personality, her intelligence and her incredible recipes (especially desserts). I remember weekends with my grandparents having fun in their backyard sandbox and I still remember their house and yard as if I was there yesterday. I remember the confusion and the changes and the sadness that came as Alzheimer's progressed. Awareness of Alzheimer's, resources to help the person experiencing it and their family members, and continued research is so important. My mother volunteers with the division in Newfoundland and Labrador. The Alzheimer's Society of Canada is a great resource for anyone seeking support and all donations will go to them.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 22 Elaine & Paul Hillier Thank you Nancy for running the marathon in memory of Nan Hillier. Our love and support will be running along side you on May 28. $150.00
May 17 Rose and Barry Foote $54.31
May 16 Frank & Shelley Power Have a wonderful walk, Nancy! It’s a wonderful cause. Hugs $25.00
May 15 Fraser Sprigings $54.31
May 12 Stella Power Undisclosed amount
May 11 Anonymous Maybe this is how I can help 😊 Undisclosed amount
May 11 Glenda Tapp Thank you Nancy for remembering Mom. God Bless you I will be thinking of you on this day Undisclosed amount
May 10 Anonymous $27.60