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Hillstriders Running Club - Distance Scholarship Program

Raise money for Hillstriders Running Club - Distance Scholarship Program


Fritz Kauffman was a past president of the Hillstriders Running Club and the 1994 March Madness Half Marathon Race Director.  An avid runner, Fritz completed over 100 marathons, including the 1995 Boston Marathon.

A University of Wisconsin Badger alumnus, Fritz died unexpectedly during the Sunmart 50K in Huntsville, TX in 2001.  In his memory, the Hillstriders Running Club has designated a portion of the annual March Madness Half Marathon proceeds to fund this scholarship.

The Hillstriders Distance Running Scholarship was established in 2002 to assist McHenry County high school graduates with college expenses.  Applicants must be participants in high school cross country or track distance (800 meters or longer) events.


In 2002 the Hillstriders Running Club made an initial donation of $ 5,000.  Thereafter, a portion of the “March Madness Half Marathon” will fund at least three scholarships each year. Any additional earnings/contributions will help increase the current year’s scholarship or will be placed in the scholarship trust fund to grow in value.


The Hillstriders Distance Running Scholarship is available to all college-bound distance runners in McHenry County.  The scholarship is not based on academic or athletic accomplishments.  Our intent is to reward those runners who truly love the sport.  By supporting these runners we are encouraging healthy, productive and disciplined lifestyles. 

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Dec 31 Koen Ruttens $6.18
Dec 31 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Dec 31 Anonymous $11.50
Dec 31 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Dec 31 Anonymous $11.50
Dec 31 John Burke $27.48
Dec 04 Lawton Warzala For the kids $107.35