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Raise money for ABLE2

ABLE2 supports people of all ages across the disability spectrum and their families to live life as valued members of our city. 

Today, you can support the ABLE2 team to raise $20,000 for the 3500 people living with disabilities it serves annually through its programs and services in Ottawa. 

People with disabilities experiencing complicated physical and developmental health conditions confront issues of personal safety, exploitationaccessibility, social isolation and stigma. 

Your support demonstrates your belief in an inclusive community where all people are seen as able, important and valued. 

Thank you!


Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 16 Carol and Dennis Good luck Denise! March on! Undisclosed amount
May 16 Anonymous $28.25
May 15 Anonymous $25.00
May 15 Eric Feumba Go Reach Canada Team. Do your best today. Make every step count. $108.76
May 15 Franklin-Sabourin Consulting Inc Keep on rolling $108.76
May 13 Erin Fitzpatrick Undisclosed amount
May 13 Anna Lavery Good luck Adrian! $55.09
May 13 Janette C $49.33
May 13 Anonymous Go team $28.25
May 13 Anonymous Enjoy… $28.25