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Ausome Ottawa

Raise money for Ausome Ottawa

Ausome Ottawa believes every child deserves the right to play – and to reap the physical, mental and developmental health benefits that come from being active with peers. For the 1 in 50 children in our community living with autism, participating in school and community sports can be difficult or impossible. Many face physical, sensory, communication and other barriers to accessing physical recreation, which school and community programs tend to lack the training and resources to overcome. As a result, these children are all too often left on the sidelines while their peers play. 

Ausome Ottawa exists to remove those barriers. Our charity runs sports and recreation programs specifically designed for children on the autism spectrum to participate meaningful and succeed. We provide a high-quality sports experience with individualized support, a welcoming environment, and an abundance of encouragement for children to build physical literacy skills, confidence, friendships, courage muscles, love of physical activity and lifelong healthy habits. We also train teachers, sports providers, parents and caregivers on how to better support young people with autism in a sports setting. 

Ausome programs are free for member families in order to remove the financial barrier too. We rely on donations from caring individuals, organizations and businesses to keep programs – and our budding athletes – running strong. Please give generously!



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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Feb 18 Catherine Friel $27.80
Feb 18 Joseph Good luck Carolyn! Undisclosed amount
Feb 17 Barb Kelly Go Caro Go! Undisclosed amount
Feb 17 Alex and Janelle Go Carolyn! $100.00
Feb 17 Carolyn Brooker $27.80
Feb 10 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Feb 06 Ian $500.00
Jan 27 Oriana and Rodney Amazing organization. Our son is on the spectrum and we know how important sports are ❤️ $108.31
Jan 21 Myriam Leclair $27.80
Jan 14 Anonymous Undisclosed amount