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Canadian Cancer Society

Raise money for Canadian Cancer Society

At the Canadian Cancer Society, we are committed to improving and saving lives. That’s why we are always looking for new ways to prevent cancer, find it early and treat it more successfully. It’s why we’re always ready to give people with cancer the help and support they need to lead more fulfilling lives. We are also the only national charity that supports all Canadians living with all cancers across the country.



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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 27 Anonymous $108.76
May 27 Andréanne $22.88
May 27 Alexi Let's go you got this! $108.76
May 27 All $108.76
May 26 Kristin Golden $108.76
May 26 The Benns $55.09
May 26 Jean Rasmussen Cancer research and dedicated and caring oncologists saved my life. Nine years colon cancer free! $269.78
May 26 Tori Love you! $28.25
May 26 Tori Love you!!! $28.25
May 26 Elissa Good luck! $50.00