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Help Jade raise money

For participating in Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2023

My Story…

My name is Jade Aitken, an 18-year-old University student from Ottawa. I will be completing my third walkathon on Sunday may 21st from Stittsville to downtown Ottawa in support of the Ottawa First Responders Foundation. Accompanied by friends and family, I will walk 42.2km across the city. I aim to raise $3000 to show my appreciation and support for all the First Responders who are there for us when we need it most. The OFRF supports first responders with their focus being on augmenting existing services for Ottawa first responders and extending that support to retirees, veterans and their families.

Donate to help Jade raise money for Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2023’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 21 Phoenix & Oakleigh Beaulne GO JADE GO!!! $25.00
May 21 Balance Physiotherapy Undisclosed amount
May 21 Lior Yessir $22.88
May 21 Judy Bishop Way to go Jade. $55.09
May 21 Anonymous Thank you💙 Undisclosed amount
May 21 Farid Undisclosed amount
May 21 Sean, Krista and Emmerson Way to go Jade! $28.25
May 21 Vanessa Bishop Thank you 😊 $28.25
May 21 Michael & Kaitlyn Undisclosed amount
May 21 Laura M Great work!! 🦸‍♀️ $33.62