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PISE - Pacific Institute for Sport Education

Raise money for PISE - Pacific Institute for Sport Education

We are a non-profit organization, helping build a healthy, active community with a focus on inclusion, physical literacy, active living and developing performance athletes. PISE is proud to work with over 10,000 children each year, bringing them heart pumping, bone building, sweaty and fun physical literacy enriched sessions at schools, recreation and community centres and at PISE. We have provided programs since 2010, focusing on children living in financial need or with disabilities. Our goal is for every child to LOVE being active so that they develop into happy, healthy and active adults.

We are currently raising funds to send children from families in financial need to summer camp and for scholarships for high performance student athletes to attend the Canadian Sport School at PISE. Please help us in bringing healthy physical activity to children in our community.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Sep 20 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 15 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 11 Nathan Dehghan CA$6.24
Aug 01 Anonymous I strongly believe in the "power" of fitness and all of its benefits. Undisclosed amount
Jul 23 Neil Henderson CA$54.31
Jul 05 Anonymous CA$11.58
Jun 06 Anonymous Undisclosed amount