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Help Maggy raise money

For participating in Emera Blue Nose Marathon

Donate to help Maggy raise money for Emera Blue Nose Marathon’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 23 Katy Mahon $27.85
May 22 Erin Burbidge Way to go, Maggy - here's to many more years, and costumes! Undisclosed amount
May 21 Susanna Way to go, Mag. You are inspiring! $54.72
May 21 laena garrison Undisclosed amount
May 21 Dale Robertson Damn good for you, Maggy. You are a true leader. Always have been. Thank you from the whole world. You are an inspiration. $100.00
May 20 Stephen Law $54.72
May 20 Kabir Ravindra This is awesome - have a great run!! :) $100.00
May 20 Charlene M Boyce I’d have to be quackers NOT to support you. Wild applause for getting out there! Undisclosed amount
May 20 Ella McQuinn Hooray EAC and Maggy B. Have a great run! $54.72
May 20 Boyer / Farsi Run run run ! Fun fun fun ! $27.85