Raise money for Ottawa Dragon Boat Foundation
Established to focus on philanthropic efforts in the local community, ODBF has raised $5.3 million in support of 75 local charities.
In 2023, the ODBF Pledge Challenge will continue its tradition of supporting charitable organizations providing essential programs and services in our community including Ausome Ottawa, Waupoos Foundation, Christie Lake Kids and Helping With Furniture.
Together we truly do make a difference in our community and we thank you for your support!
Click on a team below to make a donation.
Fleet of Foote Flotsam
Raised: CA$43,750.19
Draggin' Docs (W)
Raised: CA$32,631.84
Chinatown Showboat
Raised: CA$18,668.01
Dirty Oars (W)
Raised: CA$18,084.97
Paddlin' Hellfish
Raised: CA$9,033.08
Herricane Winds (W)
Raised: CA$8,712.12
Party Oars (W)
Raised: CA$7,609.42
Raised: CA$4,707.68
Raised: CA$4,696.74
JLR Dragons
Raised: CA$4,435.49
Wake-Up Warriors (W)
Raised: CA$3,900.43
Raised: CA$3,688.60
Psirens (W)
Raised: CA$3,540.09
BC Luna Realty JingJing
Raised: CA$3,429.46
Modern Niagara Rocks and Rows
Raised: CA$2,892.80
Raised: CA$2,645.34
GTB Girls (W)
Raised: CA$2,516.83
CNSC Heavy Water Dragons
Raised: CA$2,199.04
Liu Dental Centres Boaty McBoat Face Gung Ho
Raised: CA$1,948.03
Siemens Healthineers
Raised: CA$1,731.23
Shenglin Dragon Warriors
Raised: CA$1,730.23
Pogue's Rogue Pirates (O)
Raised: CA$1,700.71
A Premium IDEA (O)
Raised: CA$1,598.22
Telfer Thunder
Raised: CA$1,555.12
Made in Taiwan
Raised: CA$1,436.40
The Black Pearl
Raised: CA$1,419.82
Blade Babes (W)
Raised: CA$1,337.15
Minto Framing Dragons
Raised: CA$1,332.52
Hobin's Ark (O)
Raised: CA$1,294.16
Vintage Queers (O)
Raised: CA$1,173.53
Ottawa River Canoe Club Youth 1
Raised: CA$846.82
Ottawa Shieldmaidens (W)
Raised: CA$815.50
Lynwood Animal Hospital
Raised: CA$642.02
Frontline Condo Dragonfly Green Team
Raised: CA$639.00
Running on Water
Raised: CA$620.21
Out for a Paddle (W)
Raised: CA$491.58
That's How We Roll
Raised: CA$487.06
Women in Defence & Security (WiDS) (W)
Raised: CA$441.11
HMCS Tecumseh Prairie Panthers
Raised: CA$418.54
Ottawa River Paddle All (O)
Raised: CA$410.23
Beerded Dragons
Raised: CA$404.32
Fleet of Foote Jetsam
Raised: CA$403.68
Ottawa Dragon Masters Women (W)
Raised: CA$351.85
BMT Canada (O)
Raised: CA$325.09
Ottawa Swans AFC (W)
Raised: CA$324.91
CHEO Critical Care Transport Team (O)
Raised: CA$324.63
Bytown Women (W)
Raised: CA$323.95
Allied Paddlers (W)
Raised: CA$301.94
Bizzy Barflies
Raised: CA$295.37
Hear Us Roar (W)
Raised: CA$290.09
Chicks with Sticks (W)
Raised: CA$275.09
Dracona sponsored by ACART (W)
Raised: CA$244.42
Dragoncatchers (W)
Raised: CA$218.52
Fabulous Dragons & Dragonnettes
Raised: CA$208.77
Ottawa River Canoe Club Youth 2
Raised: CA$189.86
The League of Extraordinary Paddlers
Raised: CA$188.03
Dragon Sisters (O)
Raised: CA$172.16
Water Nymphs (W)
Raised: CA$163.89
Ottawa Dragon Masters Senior B Women (W)
Raised: CA$153.17
Raised: CA$149.73
HZ Law Dragon Warriors (W)
Raised: CA$145.10
Raised: CA$138.03
PowerWatts Chelsea ODBC Premier Women (W)
Raised: CA$137.06
ZEC Powerhouse
Raised: CA$136.11
Welch's Team of Steele
Raised: CA$136.11
Fire Breathin Mamas (W)
Raised: CA$136.11
Raised: CA$130.23
Ready to Sync
Raised: CA$111.20
Water Bugs
Raised: CA$110.23
ODBC Barracudas
Raised: CA$110.23
ORCC Pride
Raised: CA$110.23
Raised: CA$109.26
Raised: CA$104.63
Vorlage "Vikings" Competitive Ski Racing - Youth
Raised: CA$93.90
My Favourite Team
Raised: CA$89.73
Girls On Fire (W)
Raised: CA$85.96
586 Lightning Bolts
Raised: CA$83.40
Ottawa Dragon Masters Open (O)
Raised: CA$82.43
Mad Paddlers
Raised: CA$82.43
Cascades (W)
Raised: CA$82.43
NCC (Name to be modified later)
Raised: CA$82.43
Blades of Glory (W)
Raised: CA$75.00
Hot Rod
Raised: CA$60.60
NCSM Radisson (O)
Raised: CA$59.13
People in a Boat (W)
Raised: CA$55.60
CU In R Wake
Raised: CA$55.60
Raised: CA$55.60
Blue Orcas
Raised: CA$54.63
EDC - Export Dragon Crew
Raised: CA$54.63
Raised: CA$54.63
ORCC Dreadnoughts
Raised: CA$54.63
Ottawa Police Dragon Boat Club
Raised: CA$54.63
Ausome Ottawa (O)
Raised: CA$54.63
RESNAV région de l'Est
Raised: CA$51.20
Frontline Condo Dragonfly Purple
Raised: CA$50.23
Bytown Sr C Mixed
Raised: CA$50.00
WSP Conquer-Oars (O)
Raised: CA$34.13
Busting Out Ottawa (W)
Raised: CA$27.80
Survey Says
Raised: CA$27.80
Bytown Super C Women (W)
Raised: CA$27.80
Click on an individual below to make a donation.
Dorothy Ardley
Raised: CA$10,000.00
Lisa Rosenkrantz
Raised: CA$5,002.60
Steve Ardley
Raised: CA$5,000.00
Raised: CA$4,878.31
Richard Martin
Raised: CA$3,344.55
Sandy Foote
Raised: CA$3,221.00
Andy Church
Raised: CA$2,818.54
Jo-Anne Trenholm
Raised: CA$2,699.58
Andrew Campbell
Raised: CA$2,612.09
Radka Lenz
Raised: CA$2,287.70
Gloria Manzig
Raised: CA$2,282.72
Evelyn Huer
Raised: CA$2,250.23
Eileen Kerwin Jones
Raised: CA$2,198.21
Laura Kollenberg
Raised: CA$2,053.63
Linda Gobessi
Raised: CA$1,897.79
Yasmin Aziz
Raised: CA$1,879.83
Kevin Steele
Raised: CA$1,713.29
Klaus Kollenberg
Raised: CA$1,618.54
Yvonne van der Ven
Raised: CA$1,610.21
Andrea Sabean
Raised: CA$1,608.88
Arlene Rosenbloom
Raised: CA$1,575.75
Alayne Main
Raised: CA$1,512.77
Sean Rea
Raised: CA$1,507.95
Rachel Lane
Raised: CA$1,500.00
Rosemary Blake
Raised: CA$1,500.00
Gail White
Raised: CA$1,484.64
Beth Hoag
Raised: CA$1,442.66
Janet Dollin
Raised: CA$1,432.86
Margo Donnelly
Raised: CA$1,392.53
Dawn Quigley
Raised: CA$1,380.49
Karen Moses
Raised: CA$1,343.73
Miriam Salamon
Raised: CA$1,276.02
Cameron McEwen
Raised: CA$1,242.43
Jonathan Oickle
Raised: CA$1,191.77
Kristine Bujold
Raised: CA$1,165.76
Elizabeth Tapley
Raised: CA$1,154.13
Leslie Da Silva
Raised: CA$1,131.51
Sarah Fletcher
Raised: CA$1,116.82
Daniel Acton
Raised: CA$1,104.78
Carolyn Brownlee
Raised: CA$1,075.47
Wendy Hamilton
Raised: CA$1,069.95
Terry Longhorn
Raised: CA$1,066.39
Debbie Davis
Raised: CA$1,061.58
Julie-Anne Wrobleski
Raised: CA$1,055.30
Pavel Brun
Raised: CA$1,031.67
Henrietta Bristow
Raised: CA$1,028.12
Ian Lambert
Raised: CA$1,025.54
Susan Whitley
Raised: CA$1,023.61
Shauna White
Raised: CA$1,019.70
Andrew Raven
Raised: CA$1,018.05
Julia Di Labio
Raised: CA$1,010.86
Lorna Newman
Raised: CA$1,010.58
Manon Dion
Raised: CA$1,007.99
Tyler Clemens
Raised: CA$1,007.43
Laura Burden
Raised: CA$1,005.84
Mike Grace
Raised: CA$1,005.44
Nola Michele Aunger
Raised: CA$1,001.48
Erika Ruiz
Raised: CA$1,000.91
Yuming Tao
Raised: CA$1,000.81
Steven Hick
Raised: CA$1,000.00
Vaida Hick
Raised: CA$1,000.00
Dean Liu
Raised: CA$1,000.00
Melissa Guimond
Raised: CA$888.32
Tracy Weatherdon
Raised: CA$873.57
Sylvie Brule
Raised: CA$843.12
Michael Lloyd
Raised: CA$836.73
Kathy Keogh
Raised: CA$801.25
john manzo
Raised: CA$771.10
Cathy Adamson
Raised: CA$748.09
Joanne Gosselin
Raised: CA$737.06
Catherine Ella
Raised: CA$715.74
Gail Matys
Raised: CA$701.11
Meg Myers
Raised: CA$668.61
Erling Rud
Raised: CA$658.15
Stacey Scott
Raised: CA$657.52
Becky Conrad
Raised: CA$597.85
Erika Scrivens
Raised: CA$583.31
Natalie Muller
Raised: CA$579.56
Meghan Campbell
Raised: CA$573.32
Grazyna Morton
Raised: CA$560.12
Clare Blake
Raised: CA$554.63
Pamela Williams
Raised: CA$551.75
Maureen Virtue
Raised: CA$538.67
Barry Dowdall
Raised: CA$537.69
James Moskos
Raised: CA$537.69
Mia Leglise
Raised: CA$537.69
Raised: CA$531.69
Mary Delorme
Raised: CA$528.53
Yarmila Kim
Raised: CA$527.63
Sue Botti
Raised: CA$501.94
robert joberty
Raised: CA$500.29
Claude Turcotte
Raised: CA$500.00
Normande Sylvain
Raised: CA$500.00
Christie Diekmeyer
Raised: CA$500.00
Yan He
Raised: CA$465.61
Jonathan Bradford
Raised: CA$464.88
Fang Yang
Raised: CA$462.96
Bryan Rennie
Raised: CA$438.66
Betty Clarke
Raised: CA$431.29
Todd Edwardson
Raised: CA$424.93
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
Jun 24 | Kristy and Steve | CA$50.00 |
Jun 24 | Jeff Murphy & Val Johnson | CA$50.00 |
Jun 24 | Andrew and Chao | CA$108.31 |
Jun 24 | C Mackenzie | CA$54.63 |
Jun 24 | Nixon, Maddox & Vance | Undisclosed amount |
Jun 24 | Tiger Lily Marketing | CA$108.31 |
Jun 24 | Jack & Louise | CA$54.63 |
Jun 24 | Janice & Luc | CA$108.31 |
Jun 24 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Jun 24 | Amanda | Undisclosed amount |