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Alzheimer Society of Toronto

Raise money for Alzheimer Society of Toronto

The Alzheimer Society of Toronto offers support, information, programs and education to people with dementia, their families and their caregivers, to increase public awareness of dementia, to promote research, and to advocate for services that respect the dignity of the individual. There are 48,000 people living with dementia in our community who need our help. It is imperative that we can continue to support those who need us. Your donation makes what we do possible so thank you so much for your support.


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jun 28 Daniel Goodwin $108.31
Jun 28 Marco Accettone $54.63
Jun 27 Darrell Spears and Melanie Good luck in your run !! Great cause! $54.63
Jun 27 Alex Cooke $11.70
Jun 27 Dani H Good luck Deena. $22.43
Jun 26 Eric Silwal Hope they find a cure Undisclosed amount
Jun 25 Cassidy Richardson Undisclosed amount
Jun 25 Ian Kelly $500.00
Jun 24 Michelle You are amazing! Wishing you the best of luck! $54.63
Jun 22 Colin George $27.80