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Annex Cat Rescue

Raise money for Annex Cat Rescue

Annex Cat Rescue was founded in 1997 when several residents of  the Annex neighbourhood, located in downtown Toronto, joined together to care for a local feral cat colony. We are a 100% volunteer-run, not-for-profit registered charity that does not operate an office or shelter. We receive no government funding.

Over the years, ACR’s service area, both for cats and volunteers, has grown to span the city. We now have several managed colonies stretching from Dixon Road in the west to Scarborough in the east.


We also endeavour to assist members of the community via our feral/stray email outreach program, founded in 2011 and answering requests for help for homeless cats and kittens in various situations. Through advice, referrals, and medical/trapping intervention where possible, we work to empower community members to become involved in cat care.

Since its inception, ACR has provided compassionate cat rescue work in Toronto forging partnerships to help the most vulnerable cats in our city. 

Our strength comes from our network of volunteers and our work is only possible due to the generosity of our donors and supporters who work tirelessly to improve the lives of community cats in our city.


Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Sep 19 Leslie Kern $54.63
Sep 18 Lucinda Wallace & Lesley Fraser Donating on behalf of ourselves and Peach, our beloved 5-year tuxedo kitty who came to us through ACR! $54.63
Sep 18 Elyse $54.63
Sep 18 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 18 Katarina Maksimovic $108.31
Sep 18 michael g all the best! $20.00
Sep 18 Gaye Cooley Undisclosed amount
Sep 18 SKL Thank you for all the great work you do for the cats of Toronto! Undisclosed amount
Sep 18 Gail Morrell Undisclosed amount
Sep 18 Anonymous $215.65