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Fanconi Canada

Raise money for Fanconi Canada

Fanconi Canada raises money for research into finding a cure and/or treatments for Fanconi Anemia (FA). The charity has no paid staff, but is managed by dedicated volunteers. All money raised through public donations supports medical research, while administrative expenses are funded by FA families.

Team Fanconi Canada is participating in the TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon/Half-marathon/5K Charity Challenge which is happening all through October. 

We are running to honour the Canadian children and adults whose lives were cut short by FA - a list that sadly continues to grow and includes Aaron, Alcide, Amanda, Ameera, Audrey, Charlotte, Danielle, Drake, Evangeline, Jaclynn, Jamie, Janelle, Jason, Kevin, Matthew, Omer, Piper, Samuel, Sanjeev, Sophia, Tali and Terri-Lee.

All funds raised support Fanconi Canada which, this year, is proud to have joined the Fanconi Anemia Cancer Consortium (FACC) - a first of its kind clinical care path to preventing, detecting, and treating FA cancers. Fanconi Canada has committed over $400,000 to support the work of the BC Cancer Agency as part of the FACC.

We are asking for your help to continue Fanconi Canada's important work by sponsoring a team member.

Donations over $10 will receive a Cdn. charitable tax receipt. 


Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Oct 16 Karen Wood $108.31
Oct 16 J.J. & Sean Miller You have our admiration for doing the run this weekend, Lorne. I hope it went well and you're feeling good afterward. $100.00
Oct 16 Natalia $54.63
Oct 15 Ian Hul $108.31
Oct 15 J.Bland Undisclosed amount
Oct 15 Powell Barrister P.C. Undisclosed amount
Oct 15 Danielle Harvey Merci Annette de participer à cette activité. Nous avez toute notre admiration. Bonne chance à toute l’équipe! $108.31
Oct 15 Al Esterbauer $269.32
Oct 15 Anonymous I think of you often and all the amazing work you and Annette do for Fanconi Canada. I hope today went really well! All the best! $54.63
Oct 15 Anonymous Undisclosed amount