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Help Steve raise money

For participating in 2023 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

My Story…

This year, YURA is participating in the TCS Charity Challenge to raise funds for the student food bank on campus.  Students at York University are not exempt from the challenges of food insecurity, a situation that affects far too many in Ontario, particularly in the GTA. According to a recent Campus Well-Being Survey, one in four students at York struggles to afford food. In March 2023, more than 2,500 students relied on the YFS Food Support Centre (aka the “student food bank”) -- an increase of 1000% over a 12-month period.  With the dramatic rise in demand, additional funding is required to meet the needs and to avoid a reduction in the food provided to individual students. Please join YURA in helping the Food Bank support students at York.  Their success at university cannot be achieved if they are hungry or not getting the nutrition they need.  

Donate to help Steve raise money for 2023 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 14 Brenda and Livio Go Steve! Go YURA!! $269.32
Aug 11 Ian Greene You will surpass your goal!!! $108.31
Aug 09 mary jane mossman Thanks for doing this, Steve. $269.32
Aug 09 Randy Williamson Go Steve! $150.00
Aug 08 Roger Kelton Undisclosed amount
Aug 02 Natasa Bajin GO Steve GO! I will be there to support you and the rest of YURA members! $215.65
Aug 02 Ceri and Glad to be part of your team, Steve. Keep it up!! $269.32
Aug 01 Charmaine Courtis Wonderful to have YURA members making a difference at York... Keep up the great work. $537.69
Aug 01 John & Sally Goodings We are pleased to help. As students, we never had to worry about having enough to eat. $269.32
Jul 31 BRUNO AND MARY ANN BELLISSIMO Feed the mind and the body! $108.31