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Help Allison raise money

For participating in 2023 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

My Story…

This October marks four years since I started at Justice for Children and Youth ("JFCY") as a Staff Lawyer. In that time I've had the opportunity to witness first hand the big and small impacts the clinic has on access to justice for children and youth in the province of Ontario. From assisting young people in regularizing their immigration statuses and accessing education, to supporting victims and accused people through the criminal justice process, to bringing applications for judicial review of discriminatory policies in institutions where children and young people live and work. I can confirm that the days are packed to the brim with a plethora of legal issues, and so it can be difficult to comprehensively capture the work of the clinic in a short blurb, especially as we continue to evolve to meet the needs of our clients. 

Unfortunately, the work of our clinic is never done and in our increasingly complex world we rely on the support of donors to assist us in protecting and advancing the human rights of children and young people. I am therefore asking my friends and family to support me again in my fundraising efforts this year, to support the work of the clinic.

I am grateful for any support my friends and family can offer!

Donate to help Allison raise money for 2023 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 21 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 15 Dennis H. Good job!!!! Undisclosed amount
Sep 14 Carina Chan $108.31
Sep 14 Gabrielle Gallant You’re incredible 👏🏼 $108.31
Sep 14 Bonnie Bender $27.80
Sep 14 Ben Seewald Thank you for the essential work that you do everyday! #HeroForHeroes $108.31
Sep 14 Nova Scotia Family Connection $108.31
Sep 14 adam $54.63
Sep 14 Tricia & Geoff Soal Undisclosed amount
Sep 14 Meghan Reeh Undisclosed amount