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Help Nadeem raise money

For participating in 2023 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

My Story…

In the twilight years of my father's remarkable life, Parkinson's disease became an uninvited guest, disrupting the familiar rhythms of his existence. A retired mariner of unparalleled grit, he had once tamed tempestuous seas, but now he faced a tempest within himself. With unfaltering courage, he embraced medication and daily exercise as his steadfast companions, fortifying his resolve against the relentless progression of the illness. In those moments when tremors sought to shake his spirit, he clung to the memories of sunrises over distant horizons, finding solace in the knowledge that the indomitable spirit of a sailor never truly falters. As the final chapter of his seafaring tale unfolded, his legacy remained unshaken, an enduring testament to the power of resilience in the face of life's fiercest storms. WPP is the only charity that provide FREE meds to the Parkinson's patients who can't afford to buy. Please donate to support the noble cause. Thank you!

Donate to help Nadeem raise money for 2023 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 13 Anonymous May the memory of your father be a blessing always. Undisclosed amount
Oct 13 Anonymous All the best Undisclosed amount
Oct 13 Michelle Diaz Undisclosed amount
Oct 13 Greg Great cause Nadeem. Your father sounds like quite a guy. Would have liked to meet him. Undisclosed amount
Oct 13 Harm An awesome program, and thanks for doing this Nadeem Undisclosed amount
Oct 13 Phil Chow Enjoy the run! $108.31
Oct 07 NA $269.32
Oct 05 Syed FaheemAkhtar In memory of my chacha $269.32
Sep 26 Anonymous Great cause $27.80