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Buddy Check For Jesse Society

Raise money for Buddy Check For Jesse Society

Join Buddy Check for Jesse and "Show your Green" to support youth Mental Health in your community. 

Buddy Check for Jesse is a grassroots Canadian Charity that helps coaches bring mental health awareness to their players. It was founded by Dr. Stu Gershman in memory of his son, Jesse Short-Gershman, who died by suicide on October 29, 2014.

Our mission is to help destigmatize the conversation around mental health, promote compassion, and connectedness, and encourage youth to reach out and support (aka “buddy check”) their teammates, friends, and family members. Our approach utilizes the impactful position of coaches, and the power of sport. Our youth have a lot to teach us and we need to provide them with the proper tools to accomplish this mission.

The “Buddy Check Talks” are often the launchpad for many coaches to open up the conversation about mental health to their youth athletes. Coaches do NOT need to have a background in mental health – they simply need to be open to these conversations. 

Buddy Check For Jesse utilizes the color green (color for mental health) to create more impact for our message and we have a strong and growing social media footprint to further enhance our mission.

Buddy Check For Jesse is proud to partner with the Times Colonist 10K. Funds raised through Race Roster will allow us to continue to provide support to youth coach leaders and players of all sports with the resources and tools they need to move the mental health conversation forward and positively impact their future.

Join Team Buddy Check For Jesse and help support youth mental health in our community. Watch them push the conversation forward for all of us. Reach out to us and see how we can support you and/or your team. Take a look at our website and check out the SHOP link for ideas on how we can help you build momentum, connectedness, community,  and exposure for all of us on race day!

For more information please visit and #BuddyCheckForJesse

Show your Green by Registering, Joining Our Team or Donating Today!          

Team Buddy Check For Jesse 



Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Apr 27 Jay Herrick Undisclosed amount
Apr 25 Andrew Fraser CA$27.60
Apr 25 Andrew Fraser CA$27.60
Apr 25 Mom Go get it!! 💚 CA$54.31
Apr 25 Paulson Fam CA$107.72
Apr 24 Ava Simons CA$27.60
Apr 24 Jaclyn Burgoyne Good luck everyone! CA$27.60
Apr 24 Lake Country Lucaii Run like the wind Sophie ! Undisclosed amount
Apr 24 Anonymous Run like the wind Willie ! Undisclosed amount
Apr 22 Colantonio Family CA$50.00