My Story…
Welcome to My Story and kind of David's story too...
My son David was a vibrant, interesting (sometimes challenging), dynamic and caring young man who died from suicide in 2015.
It crushed me, crushed our family and his friends. There are still times when that waves swamps us and we struggle to find the light again.
It is my hope that another family will not have to go through this if I can help. To me the miles run are worth it if one person can get the help they need to get through the day, the week, the month and the years.
First off, please take the time to check on the people around you. Once you and yours are safe please take the time to donate to the run. As in years past the more that is donated the more I will run. This year will start with 5KM for the first $1000 raised, for each additional $250 I will add another KM, if the goal of $5000 is reached there is a half marathon coming up for a guy who is far more used to just lifting heavy things. (Edit Aug 2nd-But now there is a "stretch goal" it seems people think I should run more, now there's a chance for the full marathon at $11,000 raised)
Donate to help Michael raise money for Run for Life 2023’s fundraising campaign.
Recent donors
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Aug 22 | Canadian Energy Services | $267.96 |
Aug 22 | Grant Miller | $267.96 |
Aug 21 | Jason Swiderski / Mobile Energy Systems | $535.02 |
Aug 18 | The Rose's | $267.96 |
Aug 17 | Horizon Drilling | $267.96 |
Aug 17 | Ronco Oilfield Hauling Ltd. | $535.02 |
Aug 15 | Lasso Drilling Corp | $267.96 |
Aug 15 | Dale Hislop | $214.54 |
Aug 15 | Barry Lakusta | $107.72 |
Aug 15 | Nick Farrell | $250.00 |