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Help Bryan raise money

For participating in Run for Life 2023

My Story…

As a suicide intervention trainer and avid kayak paddler, what better way to join the Center for Suicide Prevention's Run for Life event again this year than to "Paddle for Life". Connecting with others paddlers from the paddling community for this very important event helps to build the foundation of open and direct talk about suicide. Our team will paddle each morning from the darkness into the light with intention to raise awareness, remember those who have died by suicide, and open dialogue to reduce the stigma and taboo associated with suicide.

Donate to help Bryan raise money for Run for Life 2023’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 04 Brenda McSween The message about suicide prevention is such an important one. You never know what someone else may be going through. Undisclosed amount
Jul 24 Bryan Hume $27.60