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Help Hannah raise money

For participating in Run for Life 2023

My Story…

My brother Kieran was a vibrant, dynamic, and loving person who died by suicide in March 2021 at the age of 26. It’s impossible to express how devastating it was to lose him. There have been a lot of dark days since, and I’ve struggled immensely to find small pockets of light. While I know in my bones that nothing will ever fully mend the hole in my heart, I am hopeful that doing something meaningful in his memory might help the healing process along a little. And so, here we are.

Dabbling in running (very casually, I might add) is one of the ways I’ve been practicing engaging with the world again in the wake of Kieran’s death. Having goals again. Taking care of myself again. I’ve been slowly and painstakingly building up to a 5K distance and if I hit my fundraising goal I’ll run one here in Ottawa during the Race for Life week! And just for funsies, I’m committed to adding on an additional 1K for every additional $1000 I raise above my goal.

Whether you knew Kieran or not, please consider donating in support of the very important work that the Canadian Mental Health Association is doing on suicide awareness and prevention.


From the complications of loving you
I think there is no end or return.
No answer, no coming out of it.
Which is the only way to love, isn’t it?

This isn’t a play ground, this is
earth, our heaven, for a while.
Therefore I have given precedence
to all my sudden, sullen, dark moods

that hold you in the center of my world.
And I say to my body: grow thinner still.
And I say to my fingers, type me a pretty song.
And I say to my heart: rave on.

- Mary Oliver, “A Pretty Song”

Donate to help Hannah raise money for Run for Life 2023’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 05 Anonymous $50.00
Sep 05 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 05 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 04 Max Such a wonderful tribute Hannah! $54.31
Sep 04 💙💙💙 💙💙💙 $107.72
Sep 04 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 04 Dave $54.31
Sep 04 Meara $54.31
Sep 04 Anonymous 🕊️❤️🏃🏻‍♀️ what a beautiful way to honor your brother Undisclosed amount
Sep 04 Susan Johnson Thanks for doing this Hannah! $250.00