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Help us raise money

For participating in Victoria Day Douglas Mile

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 14 Yvonne Blum ❤️ $25.00
May 14 Anonymous $50.00
May 14 Anonymous You rock, Heather! $50.00
May 14 Mike Czuba $25.00
May 14 Sheryl Robertson $50.00
May 11 Cheri and Wade We love you! Go, go, go!! $50.00
May 08 Donna Wiles $25.00
May 05 Mel $40.00
May 05 Debi LaHaise To my favourite mover and shaker, lemonade maker! Undisclosed amount
May 05 Mike, Monica, and Vivienna Your strength, determination, and kindness are inspiring. Strong work! Mon, Vivienna, and I are cheering you on!!! $50.00