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Raise money for myTEAM TRIUMPH

myTEAM TRIUMPH creates a teamwork approach of endurance athletics, provides specialized race equipment, facilitates training runs and lends race day support so people of all abilities can come together as a team in endurance events.

The result...

Increased self confidence

Greater sense of purpose

A more inclusive community

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 20 Peter Sengkhammee Health is Wealth ! $27.35
May 19 Joanne DeBauch $11.45
May 19 Jeff Belongia Jeff Belongia Undisclosed amount
May 19 Anonymous $27.35
May 19 Kelly McCormick $27.35
May 19 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 17 Heather Boone $27.35
May 16 Marissa Miller $6.15
May 16 Linda Tollefson $25.00
May 16 Anonymous $27.35