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Island Prostate Centre

Raise money for Island Prostate Centre

We're excited for the 20th year of this family friendly walk/run. For this year, and in celebration of such a milestone, we are asking all participants and donors to consider a minimum $20 donation in support of our 20th year. $20 for 20, sounds easy, right?!  It may be easy but this additional gift will provide life-changing support and access to care for all patients facing a diagnosis of prostate cancer.  This support and access is needed  more than ever so every dollar counts!

Island Prostate Centre (IPC) is the only non-profit that guides and empowers Vancouver Island men and their families as they navigate the uncertainty of a prostate cancer diagnosis.

We uniquely offer the time and space you need to explore your options and human supports so you never walk alone.


Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 23 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 22 Anonymous Go Nova! Undisclosed amount
May 22 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 22 Anonymous $54.31
May 22 Gordon Murray $86.35
May 22 Michelle Undisclosed amount
May 22 Kimberley Connolly $161.13
May 22 Mike Gallant Way to go John! $75.00
May 22 Good luck Way to go, John, much appreciated. $54.31
May 21 Ken Keep going John! Great what you're doing. $54.31