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Help Murray raise money

For participating in Raymond James Father's Day Walk/Run for Prostate Cancer!

My Story…

“You have cancer.” Probably the most terrifying words you can hear. Even if you are prepared. And I was prepared. My GP had concerns after my annual prostate exam. It was probably nothing. And for 2 years, it was nothing right up until the day we got my first biopsy results. I have cancer.

Kathy and I went straight to the nurse navigator at Island Prostate Centre. She talked to us about treatment options and non-treatment options. Thanks to her guidance, and with approval of my urologist, I got 4 additional years on Active Surveillance. We had a lot of adventure in those 4 years. For me, the highlight was fulfilling a lifelong dream to cycle across Canada. Mile 0 in Victoria, BC to Mile 0 in Kathy’s hometown, St. John’s, NL.

Then my cancer became more aggressive. The way my urologist explained it, the cancer cells no longer looked like prostate cells, which means they could live anywhere in my body. For me, this was the worst news. I didn’t want to live with the side effects of treatment. I worried that incontinence would limit our adventures. 

But my Dad died from metastatic prostate cancer and I clearly didn’t want that.

Island Prostate Centre was there for us again. We talked about treatment options. They connected me with men who had recently been treated so that I could talk to them about what they went through and about my fears.

For better or worse, we couldn’t get OR time during the summer so we packed as much adventure into last summer as we could. A week before surgery, I was in Ontario for a ride called the Granit Anvil 1200. As the name suggests, it was 1200 km. But that wasn’t the hard part. The hard part was the 4-day time limit. 

My recovery from treatment was very fast. I was back at work in 3 weeks, running after 6 and doing 200 km rides after 12.

I had to learn to manage incontinence. And, of course, Island Prostate Centre was there for me again. I was immediately enrolled in their pelvic floor exercises course. I think they had me signed up before I even knew I needed it!

I’m 8 months post-surgery. My continence is as good as it was before treatment. Kathy and I are still traveling and having adventures and I am still doing ultra-distance cycling. I’ve just completed my qualifying rides for another 1200 km event this summer called Paris-Brest-Paris. 8000 riders from around the world will meet in France to race against that same 4-day time limit. I’ll be one of them. But, most importantly, my 6-month PSA was undetectable. 

I hope it’s clear that Island Prostate Centre was not just a source of information for us. We can find that on the Internet. It’s people. It’s people that took the time to understand our unique situation. It’s people that understood how afraid I was. And after listening, they were there with the right guidance at the right time. 

On Father’s Day, I will be in Scotland where Kathy will be fulfilling her long-time dream to golf at St. Andrews. But on Father’s Day, I will lace up my runners and run for Island Prostate Centre. I will do it because they were there for me when I needed them. I will do it in memory of my Dad. I will do it because I can. I will do it because cancer is not going to stop me.

Island Prostate Centre was there for us when we needed it the most. It’s there and it continues to be there because people like you support it. 

You were there for us. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Murray Tough

Cancer Survivor


Donate to help raise money for the 20th anniversary of the Raymond James Father's Day Walk/Run for Prostate Cancer! 

Trust us, we get it…we know prostate cancer is not the most comfortable thing to talk about.

But the fact is that 1 in 8 men on Vancouver Island will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.

We know 8 men. You know 8 men.

We need to ensure that all the men in your life (and ours) will have free access to critical support when they need it.

This is where we are making this personal because we need your help.

By committing to raising much needed funds, you are working with us to ensure that patients can access all of services when they are needed.

We're excited for the 20th year of this family friendly walk/run. For this year, and in celebration of such a milestone, we are asking all participants and donors to consider a $20 donation in support of our 20th year. $20 for 20, sounds easy, right?!  It may be easy but this additional gift will provide life-changing support and access to care for all patients facing a diagnosis of prostate cancer.  This support and access is needed more than ever so every dollar counts!

Know that we are cheering you on in your efforts before, during and after the event! Because of you, we can do more through the Island Prostate Centre.

Thanks again – we look forward to seeing you on Father’s Day - Sunday June 18th!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 30 Cheryl Thomas Murray, you are always an inspiration!! And, so glad your PSA is normal! Enjoy your run on Fathers Day in Scotland! $107.72
May 30 Andrew and Joanne Turner Undisclosed amount
May 30 Kathleen Nelson $107.72
May 30 Larry Sims You go guy!! Undisclosed amount
May 30 Randy Decksheimer $161.13
May 29 Wayne Shillington $107.72
May 29 Dave Murray Go Murray Go! $54.31
May 29 Bruce Powell Undisclosed amount
May 18 Murray Tough $100.00