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Help IDA raise money

For participating in Bumrun Halifax 2023

My Story…

My sister was diagnosed with rectal cancer at age 48. We had grandparents that had colon cancer in their 80's but quickly learned you don't have to be old to get this awful disease! I am proud to say I still have my sister 18 years later! Be aware and be screened!

Donate to help IDA raise money for Bumrun Halifax 2023’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 01 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 28 Marilyn Loder As a Colorectal survivor I certainly understand the importance of colon cancer screening. $54.72
Apr 28 Roy Elliott $100.00
Apr 28 Wavey & Allan Loder $25.00
Apr 28 Edward D Blanchard Go Ida Go!! Undisclosed amount
Apr 28 Kevin Little Cheering you on Ida for a good cause! Will you wear your orange Newfoundland license plate as a chain around your shoulders? $54.72
Apr 28 Laura Berry Way to go, Aunt Ida! 💜 $22.47
Apr 28 Gloria Stephens This is a great cause. I have lost several people to this disease. I am proud of you for doing this. $200.00
Apr 08 Lyn Thorne You go girl! $108.45
Apr 07 Tracy Webb $108.45